The Romance Aspiration—How To Activate The Good Luck For Marriage At Home with Feng Shui

The romance aspiration follows the previous one of the eight types of good luck people tend to aspire to. The rest are health, wealth, fame, children, mentors, career, and education. With Feng Shui we have a really simple, but powerful method to identify and activate these in the home.

The good luck for marriage is the first from a whole group related to the family, which follows the natural rhythm of life. It can be found in the south-western parts of the home, and particularly strongly in the south-western rooms. These are the locations we should activate for the romance aspiration.

The first task with using this Feng Shui method always is to locate where these parts of the home are. As soon as we do, we can relax and rejoice in really fun and practical interior redecorations to magnify our home and attract a good marriage or more romance in our lives.

The energy in the whole western group is milder and subtler as everything gets down to earth. The best approach is to use earthy colours, such as yellow, as well as all natural textures of linen and wool. Symbols such as a pair of poppies and the delightful peach fruit are powerful activators.

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