Head Up High To The Bright Side With Everlasting Sunflower Smiles
Welcoming Fruitful Abundance With Generous Sunflower Smiles—Bring The Ripen Fruit Of Our Good Effort Full of Wisdom And Accomplishment
It came subtle and mild as it is after a very successful challenging August, worth all the effort and trial. It came with the mellow warmth of autumn, with the gentle friendly sun soothing the bright lights of summer.
It came with silent peace and calm, so undone and as genuine as it is, deep inside, rich in picturesque sights. It came with the caress of a loved one. It came in your memory daddy, it came with all our love at heart to you.
They came to me, to us, our lovable golden sunflowers, one from each of us especially for you. Because we love you. Infinitely, as their loving smiles; positively, always looking at the bright side, always heads up at the sun!
Heartfelt Love For You Daddy With Our Sunflower Smiles xxxx